Publications & Speaking Engagements
Professional liability keynote speaker and published author.

Midwest Professional Liability & Attorney Ethics Speaker
Jefferey Ogden Katz has been a frequent speaker on professional liability issues, having presented at a number of notable organizations including the Chicago Bar Association, American Association for Justice, and American Conference Institute. He is also a published professional liability author and has been cited by media outlets including ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and Law 360 on issues relating to professional liability.
Publications & Seminars
- Hinshaw 2023 LMRM Conference: What Is Fee-sible? Splitting Fees with Other Lawyers and the Pitfalls to Avoid (Chicago, March 2023).
- Law Bulletin Media Ethics 2022: Your fees: A review of the state of play for contingency fees, referral fees and fees for limited representation (Chicago, June 2022).
- Practicing Law Institute (PLI) Illinois Professional Responsibility Marathon: The Ethical Sale or Closure of a Law Practice (Chicago, April 2021).
- National Association for Legal Fee Analysis: Proving Attorney Fees in Court (Chicago, March 2020).
- Hinshaw 2020 LMRM Conference: Successful Mediation Strategies (Chicago, March 2020).
- APEX CLE: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues for Attorneys and Clients (Chicago, September 2019).
- Practicing Law Institute (PLI) Illinois Professional Responsibility MCLE Marathon 2019 (Chicago, April 2019).
- American Association for Justice Winter Convention: Four Hot Spots to Avoid Legal Malpractice (Miami, FL, February 2019).
- Chicago Bar Association: Practical and Ethical Considerations of Litigation Funding (Chicago, IL, December 2018).
- Chicago Bar Association: The Interplay Between the Rules of Professional Conduct and Malpractice Claims (YLS Professional Responsibility Committee) (Chicago, IL, October 2018).
- APEX CLE: Avoiding the Malpractice Claim (Arlington Heights, IL, October 2018).
- American Association for Justice Annual Convention: Risk Management for the Plaintiff’s Attorney (Denver, CO, July 2018).
- National Academy of Continuing Legal Education: Ethical Tips for Solo and Small Firm Practitioners (Chicago, February 2018).
- Attorney’s Retaining Liens: Know Your Rights but Assert Then Cautiously (Volume 20, Number 1, Winter 2018 Trial Journal of the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association).
- AAJ Trial Magazine: Seven Tips for Client Communications, (July 2017).
- Chicago Bar Association Tort Litigation Committee: Avoiding the Dreaded Legal Malpractice Claim (Chicago, May 2017).
- Practicing Law Institute (PLI) Illinois Professional Responsibility MCLE Marathon 2017 (Chicago, April 2017).
- National Academy of Continuing Legal Education: Ethics 2017 (6.0 credit hours of ethics presentation) (Chicago, February 2017).
- American Association for Justice Winter Seminar: Avoiding a Legal Malpractice Claim (Austin, Texas, February 2017).
- UIC Pre-Law Society: Demystifying the Law School Application Process (Chicago, September 2016).
- AAJ Trial Magazine – Avoiding Malpractice: 10 Tips for Supervisory Attorneys (October 2015).
- American Immigration Lawyers Association: 2015 Ethics Conference Panelist (Chicago, May 2015).
- NBI Seminars: Professional Liability Dispute Resolution (December 2014).
- AAJ Trial Lawyer Magazine – No Good Mental Note: Keys to Progressing (Summer Edition).
- Attorneys, The Internet, & Hate Speech: An Argument for an Amended Model Rule 8.4, Seattle Journal for Social Justice (Summer 2014 issue).
- American Association for Justice Annual Convention: Avoidance of the Dreaded Legal Malpractice Claim (Washington, D.C., July 2014).
- Law Bulletin Seminars – Streamlining Client Representation: Leveraging new business structures (Chicago, June 2014).
- Contributing Editor, Inside Counsel Magazine (2014).
- American Association for Justice Annual Convention: So, You Want to File a Legal Malpractice Case? (Chicago, June 2012).
- ACI/LPL Legal Malpractice Conference – View from the Plaintiff’s Bar: Adapting Your Claims and Litigation Strategies to New and Innovative Theories Being Brought by Your Adversaries (New York, May 2012).
- ACI/LPL Legal Malpractice Conference: A Practical Due Diligence Checklist on Preventing the Most Common Attorneys Errors in Civil Litigation (New York, May 2012).
- Chicago Bar Association YLS Professional Responsibility Committee: Ethical Considerations Related to Modern Technology (Chicago, September 2010).
- Half Moon Seminar: “Rules 1.3 and 1.4 of the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct,” (Chicago, October 2006).
- Moderator: Chicago Bar Association Seminars on Rules of Professional Conduct (December 2009, June 2010, December 2010, June 2011, December 2011, and June 2012).
- Moderator: Chicago Bar Association Seminar: State of the Profession (December 2012).